Business Analysis (English)


Business Analysis (English)

Vijfhart IT-Opleidingen
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Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar_border 8,2 Vijfhart IT-Opleidingen heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 8,2 (uit 568 ervaringen)

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Startdata en plaatsen

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Vijfhart IT-Opleidingen biedt dit product standaard aan in de volgende regio's: Alphen aan den Rijn, Amersfoort, Gouda, Hilversum, Utrecht, Veenendaal


Vijfhart, dat klopt voor jou!

  • Oefenomgeving tot 3 maanden na afronding beschikbaar   
  • Flexgarantie: wissel eenvoudig van virtueel naar fysiek, of andersom  
  • Kennisgarantie: volg jouw cursus gratis nog een keer, fysiek of virtueel  
  • Ontvang een gratis proefexamen bij meerdere opleidingen   

Lesmethode :


Algemeen :

Designing and improving business processes is the focus of this course. Business processes are subject to constant change: analysing these processes should contribute as much as possible to the realisation of the company objectives. IT is often one of the most important tools for organising effective and efficient business processes. Changes within IT such as Outsourcing, Rightshoring and the Service-oriented Enterprise are currently leading to an increased focus on the business and business processes. During this course, you will get the answer to the important question: how can an organisation deploy and manage its IT properly? You will get a broad view o…

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Veelgestelde vragen

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Sparx, Business Analyse, Business intelligence, BABOK en Datavisualisatie.

Vijfhart, dat klopt voor jou!

  • Oefenomgeving tot 3 maanden na afronding beschikbaar   
  • Flexgarantie: wissel eenvoudig van virtueel naar fysiek, of andersom  
  • Kennisgarantie: volg jouw cursus gratis nog een keer, fysiek of virtueel  
  • Ontvang een gratis proefexamen bij meerdere opleidingen   

Lesmethode :


Algemeen :

Designing and improving business processes is the focus of this course. Business processes are subject to constant change: analysing these processes should contribute as much as possible to the realisation of the company objectives. IT is often one of the most important tools for organising effective and efficient business processes. Changes within IT such as Outsourcing, Rightshoring and the Service-oriented Enterprise are currently leading to an increased focus on the business and business processes. During this course, you will get the answer to the important question: how can an organisation deploy and manage its IT properly? You will get a broad view of the multitude of knowledge areas surrounding the profession of Business Analyst. We provide you with practical cases during the course, and will teach you how to make analyses independently

The assignments are done with tools like Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and Bizagi for modelling and notation of the business processes. The course is delivered by teachers with extensive practical experience, connect the dots between theory and practice.

We bieden deze cursus ook in het Nederlands aan, bekijk het hier: Business Analyse.

Doel :

With this 3-day course, you will be able to model business activities, examine business problems and opportunities,and identify and recommend effective solutions.

Doelgroep :

This course is for anyone who works or wants to work as a Business Analyst. The course is also suitable for Project Managers. Architects. Information Analysts, System Analysts, Functional Designers and Business Information Manager.

Voorkennis :

Experience with business processes is helpful.

Onderwerpen :

- Business Awareness
- What is a Business Analyst?
- Start with the Business View
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Use Case Driven Requirements
- Sequence Diagrams
- Business Process Management
- Modeling a Process with BPMN
- Agility and Collaborative Games
- Domain Model
- Requirements Estimation
- Business Rules Gap Analysis
- Risk Analysis State Modeling
- Key Performance Indicators
- Strategy Development Balanced Scorecard

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Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

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