Oracle Database: SQL Statement Tuning (English)


Oracle Database: SQL Statement Tuning (English)

Vijfhart IT-Opleidingen
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Lesmethode :


Algemeen :

This training will provide you with insights into the internal processing of SQL statements by Oracle. We look into statistics, the execution plan and the different tuning options like indexes, joins, bulk operations, hints and various storage techniques. We go into detail of understanding the the execution plan: how to read it, what the different steps mean and how the execution plan can be influenced. In addition, we dive into the automatic tuning, as Oracle has from version 10g. When tuning, not only the individual statements are important, but also the application as a whole, so we also include them in our hunt for more speed.

During the training we us…

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Vijfhart, dat klopt voor jou!

  • Oefenomgeving tot 3 maanden na afronding beschikbaar   
  • Flexgarantie: wissel eenvoudig van virtueel naar fysiek, of andersom  
  • Kennisgarantie: volg jouw cursus gratis nog een keer, fysiek of virtueel  
  • Ontvang een gratis proefexamen bij meerdere opleidingen   

Lesmethode :


Algemeen :

This training will provide you with insights into the internal processing of SQL statements by Oracle. We look into statistics, the execution plan and the different tuning options like indexes, joins, bulk operations, hints and various storage techniques. We go into detail of understanding the the execution plan: how to read it, what the different steps mean and how the execution plan can be influenced. In addition, we dive into the automatic tuning, as Oracle has from version 10g. When tuning, not only the individual statements are important, but also the application as a whole, so we also include them in our hunt for more speed.

During the training we use SQL Developer, the Enterprise Manager, but you also work from command-line tool SQL * Plus. This makes our training platform independent.

This training is suitable for anyone using version 11g and higher. Version dependent features are specifically indicated.

Each participant will have access to their own database to practice extensively after we have discussed the theory. During these exercises we naturally pay attention to improving statements!

We bieden deze cursus ook in het Nederlands aan, bekijk het hier: Oracle Database: SQL Statement Tuning.

Doel :

This training is intended for anyone who wants to gain insight into the performance of SQL statements on an Oracle database.

Doelgroep :

This training is suitable for anyone involved in improving the performance of the applications (application builders, system developers and database administrators).

Voorkennis :

  • Oracle Database: SQL fundamenten deel 2

Onderwerpen :

- Introduction
- The processing of SQL statements
- The query optimizer: statistics
- The query optimizer: execution plan
- Introduction in indexes
- Use and maintenance of indexes
- Joins and Sorts
- Storage techniques
- Bind variables and bulk operations
- Plan stability
- The query optimizer: management statistics
- End-to-end application tracing
- Automatic statement tuning
- Tips and tricks

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