EN 50110-1 / NEN 3140 - Vakbekwaam Persoon (Adaptive e-learning + Praktijk)

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EN 50110-1 / NEN 3140 - Vakbekwaam Persoon (Adaptive e-learning + Praktijk)

RelyOn Nutec
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Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar_half 8,7 RelyOn Nutec heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 8,7 (uit 10 ervaringen)

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Startdata en plaatsen

placeRelyOn Quercus - Den Helder
16 apr. 2025
check_circle Startgarantie
Toon rooster
event 16 april 2025, 08:00-16:00, RelyOn Quercus - Den Helder, Day 1
placeRelyOn Quercus - Den Helder
23 apr. 2025
Toon rooster
event 23 april 2025, 08:00-16:00, RelyOn Quercus - Den Helder, Day 1
placeRelyOn Quercus - Den Helder
30 apr. 2025
check_circle Startgarantie
Toon rooster
event 30 april 2025, 08:00-16:00, RelyOn Quercus - Den Helder, Day 1
placeRelyOn Quercus - Den Helder
7 mei. 2025
Toon rooster
event 7 mei 2025, 08:00-16:00, RelyOn Quercus - Den Helder, Day 1
placeRelyOn Quercus - Den Helder
14 mei. 2025
Toon rooster
event 14 mei 2025, 08:00-16:00, RelyOn Quercus - Den Helder, Day 1
placeRelyOn Quercus - Den Helder
15 mei. 2025
Toon rooster
event 15 mei 2025, 08:00-16:00, RelyOn Quercus - Den Helder, Day 1


RelyOn Nutec:

Realistische veiligheidstrainingen voor de offshore, maritieme en wind industrie.

Target group:

This training is designed for employees designated as Skilled Persons by their employers and who are regularly involved in electrical installations, including tasks such as repairs, minor modifications, and addressing first-line faults.


The NEN 3140 Qualified Person (VP) course requires at least a basic knowledge of electrical systems and safety procedures.


The objective of the course is to educate individuals on the risks associated with working in the vicinity of an electrical installation and provide the knowledge necessary to work safely. This includes identifying potential hazards, understanding the risks associated with electrical equipment and…

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Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Vakbekwaamheid, NEN, ADR Certificaat, Code 95 / Richtlijn Vakbekwaamheid en NEN 3840.

RelyOn Nutec:

Realistische veiligheidstrainingen voor de offshore, maritieme en wind industrie.

Target group:

This training is designed for employees designated as Skilled Persons by their employers and who are regularly involved in electrical installations, including tasks such as repairs, minor modifications, and addressing first-line faults.


The NEN 3140 Qualified Person (VP) course requires at least a basic knowledge of electrical systems and safety procedures.


The objective of the course is to educate individuals on the risks associated with working in the vicinity of an electrical installation and provide the knowledge necessary to work safely. This includes identifying potential hazards, understanding the risks associated with electrical equipment and installations, and taking appropriate measures to mitigate those risks. The course is based on the European EN 50110 standard, which provides guidelines for electrical safety in low voltage installations. It covers the Dutch NEN 3140 standard, which is a specific application of the EN 50110 standard in the Netherlands. Through the course, participants will learn about the legal requirements for working with electrical installations and equipment, as well as the responsibilities of employers and employees in maintaining a safe working environment. The course will also provide guidance on how to safely inspect, operate, and maintain electrical equipment, as well as how to respond in the event of an emergency.


The NEN 3140 course provides a balanced combination of theory and practice. The learning journey begins with an extensive Adaptive eLearning program. The content of the Adaptive eLearning is: - Introduction - Fundamentals - Electrical Hazards - Regulatory Environment - Working with or Near Electricity - Work Equipment - Working Safely After completing the Adaptive eLearning, participants proceed to a classroom session where supplementary theoretical content is presented. The topics covered in this session are based on the assessment of the group's performance in the Adaptive eLearning, focusing on areas that posed challenges. The classroom course incorporates a blend of theoretical instruction and hands-on practical assignments. The main theoretical aspects of the course encompass the following topics: - ARBO law, NEN3140, responsibilities and authority; - Hazards and risks of working on electrical installations; - The correct use of PPE and tools; - Securing live installations; - Safe de-energising of installations. In the practical part, what has been learnt is applied to. - Determining the de-energisation of installations; - Measuring live installations; - Proper use of personal protective equipment.

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