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5 IBM Db2 z/OS trainingen, cursussen & opleidingen

Bekijk ook: IBM Db2, IBM Db2 SQL, IBM Db2 LUW en IBM Db2 z/OS.

Bekijk ook: IBM Db2, IBM Db2 SQL en IBM Db2 LUW.


DB2 for z/OS SQL performance (EN/NL/FR)

Logo van ABIS
placeOp locatie: maandag 16 december 2024 in Leuven
computerOnline: maandag 16 december 2024

After following this 3 day ABIS course, participants will be able to understand how the Db2 optimizer is able to optimally implement SQL qu…


Db2 for z/OS programmeren voor gevorderden

Logo van ABIS

During this course participants learn: to coordinate the development of batch-oriented applications with the characteristics of Db2, specif…


DB2 for z/OS fundamentals course (EN/NL/FR)

Logo van ABIS
placeOp locatie: maandag 25 november 2024 in Leuven
computerOnline: maandag 25 november 2024

This 3 day ABIS course presents a detailed description of the Db2 system on z/OS: what it is, what it is intended for, and how it can be us…


DB2 for z/OS database administration (EN/NL/FR)

Logo van ABIS
placeOp locatie: dinsdag 10 december 2024 in Leuven
computerOnline: dinsdag 10 december 2024

At the end of this 4 day ABIS course, the participant will: have a clear overview of the tasks of a DBA in Db2; have a thorough technical i…


SQL voor DB2 z/OS

Logo van OCICT

OCICTIn deze cursus wordt de cursist geleerd om te gaan met SQL. De cursist is na deze cursus in staat om objecten binnen DB2 te definiëren…