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5 Trend Micro trainingen, cursussen & opleidingen

Bekijk ook: CompTIA A+ / Network+ / Security+, IT Beveiliging / Security en Cyber Security.

Bekijk ook: CompTIA A+ / Network+ / Security+, IT Beveiliging / Security en Cyber Security.


Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery Inspector (DDI) Training

Logo van Westcon

Course Outline In this course, you will learn how to use Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery Inspector. This course provides information about the …


Trend Micro™ Certified Professional Officescan v11.0

Logo van Westcon

Course Outline In this course, you will learn how to use Trend Micro™ OfficeScan. This course provides information about the basic architec…


Trend Micro™ Certified Professional Deep Security

Logo van Westcon

Course Outline In this course, you will learn how to use Trend Micro™ Deep Security. This course provides information about the basic archi…


Trend Micro OfficeScan 10.6 (TCSM track)

Logo van Arrow ECS Nederland

Overview In this course, you will learn how OfficeScan 10.6 works. This course provides information about the product architecture, interna…


Trend Micro™ Deep Security 9.0

Logo van Arrow ECS Nederland

Overview In this course, you will learn how to use Trend Micro™ Deep Security 9.0. This course provides information about the basic archite…