Writing That Works

Writing That Works

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Writing That Works (1981) is the definitive guide to business writing. These blinks are full of advice on how to write clear, compelling and succinct business communications, covering everything from quarterly reports to presentations, emails and even resumes.

Who should read

Marketers and advertisers at all levels Students of business, marketing and advertising Entrepreneurs looking for tips on effective business writing

About the author

Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson are former executives of the advertising and PR agency Ogilvy & Mather. Roman served as the company’s CEO, while Raphaelson was Executive Creative Director.

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Writing That Works (1981) is the definitive guide to business writing. These blinks are full of advice on how to write clear, compelling and succinct business communications, covering everything from quarterly reports to presentations, emails and even resumes.

Who should read

Marketers and advertisers at all levels Students of business, marketing and advertising Entrepreneurs looking for tips on effective business writing

About the author

Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson are former executives of the advertising and PR agency Ogilvy & Mather. Roman served as the company’s CEO, while Raphaelson was Executive Creative Director.

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