Healthy Heart Remedy Course

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Healthy Heart Remedy Course

European Health Foundation
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This 8-part video course will teach you all the secrets to a long, vibrant life..

Some of the topics are:

  • What Is Heart Attack
  • Complications Of Heart Attack
  • Emergency Care
  • Risk Factors For Heart Disease
  • Lifestyle Choices For A Strong Heart
  • Natural Healing For A Healthy Hearth
  • And much more!

This go-to Masterguide will show you how to live a healthy lifestyle by eating wholesome foods for a strong heart. 

You will learn the importance of maintaining a healthy heart. And find out life-saving emergency care for anyone who is going through a heart attack.

It will teach you:

  • Identify the type of complications a patient might experience after getting a heart attack
  • Discover effe…

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This 8-part video course will teach you all the secrets to a long, vibrant life..

Some of the topics are:

  • What Is Heart Attack
  • Complications Of Heart Attack
  • Emergency Care
  • Risk Factors For Heart Disease
  • Lifestyle Choices For A Strong Heart
  • Natural Healing For A Healthy Hearth
  • And much more!

This go-to Masterguide will show you how to live a healthy lifestyle by eating wholesome foods for a strong heart. 

You will learn the importance of maintaining a healthy heart. And find out life-saving emergency care for anyone who is going through a heart attack.

It will teach you:

  • Identify the type of complications a patient might experience after getting a heart attack
  • Discover effective emergency care options to care for heart disease patients
  • Learn healthy lifestyle choices to mantain a strong heart
  • Uncover the best kind of natural healing for your heart
  • Identify wholesome, well balanced foods you can it to sastain it.

European Health Foundation

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