19 Verzekering Opleidingen
Bekijk ook: WFT Hypothecair Krediet, Hypotheekadviseur, Wft Leven / Levensverzekeringen, Pensioen, Wft Schade / Schadeverzekeringen, Sociale Verzekeringen, Aansprakelijkheidsrecht en Verzekeringsrecht, Solvency en WFT Zorgverzekering.
Bekijk ook: WFT Hypothecair Krediet, Hypotheekadviseur en Wft Leven / Levensverzekeringen.
Non-Life Insurance: Statistical Techniques

Leerdoelen After successful completion of this course students will be able to: Understand the theory and motivation behind Generalized Lin…
Asset Liability Management - Cases

eerdoelen In this hands-on seminar the students will learn about practical implementation of an Asset Liability Management study focusing o…
Non-Life Insurance: Statistical Techniques

Leerdoelen After successful completion of this course students will be able to: Understand the theory and motivation behind Generalized Lin…
Financial Accounting in Life Insurance

Leerdoelen The primary goal of this course is to acquire a fundamental and critical understanding of financial accounting for a life insure…
Stochastic Models in Life Insurance

Leerdoelen After successful completion of this course: The student understands and can apply stochastic formulations of mortality events. T…
Life Insurance Mathematics

Leerdoelen After following this course the student: has insights in human mortality models and human mortality data; has knowledge of a gen…
Financial Mathematics for Insurance

Leerdoelen Goals of this course include gaining knowledge and understanding of: Pricing by replication; equity options; interest rate optio…
Cyber Insurance for IT Professionals

If you're an IT professional, you may be wondering why cyber insurance has emerged as such an important topic in your field. Due to the inc…
Principles of Insurance

This eBook presents the principles of insurance including risk pooling with a discussion of the relationship between the probability of rui…
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