ITIL® 4 Digital and IT Strategy (DITS) E-learning [E-ITIL4DITS]

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ITIL® 4 Digital and IT Strategy (DITS) E-learning [E-ITIL4DITS]

Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V.
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Kies op welke manier jij of je team graag een training wilt volgen. Global Knowledge bied je verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden. Je kunt kiezen uit o.a. klassikaal, Virtueel Klassikaal (online), e-Learning en maatwerk. Met onze Blended oplossing kun je de verschillende trainingsvormen combineren.


Our accredited ITIL 4 Digital and IT Strategy (DITS) elearning helps prepare you for the DITS examination. The examination assesses whether you can demonstrate the understanding and application of the concepts, methods and principles of DITS as well as information from the related practices.

The ITIL 4 DITS qualification is one of the required modules for the designation of ITIL 4 Strategic Leader.


By the end of this learning you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the use of the ITIL guiding principles in Digital and IT Strategy decisions and activities.
  • Understand how to leverage digital strategy to react to digital disruption.
  • Understand the relationship between the concepts…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Digitaal Leiderschap / Strategie, ITIL v4, ITIL Overzicht, Leiderschap en Innovatiemanagement.

Ontdek de verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden bij Global Knowledge

Online of op locatie er is altijd een vorm die bij je past.

Kies op welke manier jij of je team graag een training wilt volgen. Global Knowledge bied je verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden. Je kunt kiezen uit o.a. klassikaal, Virtueel Klassikaal (online), e-Learning en maatwerk. Met onze Blended oplossing kun je de verschillende trainingsvormen combineren.


Our accredited ITIL 4 Digital and IT Strategy (DITS) elearning helps prepare you for the DITS examination. The examination assesses whether you can demonstrate the understanding and application of the concepts, methods and principles of DITS as well as information from the related practices.

The ITIL 4 DITS qualification is one of the required modules for the designation of ITIL 4 Strategic Leader.


By the end of this learning you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the use of the ITIL guiding principles in Digital and IT Strategy decisions and activities.
  • Understand how to leverage digital strategy to react to digital disruption.
  • Understand the relationship between the concepts of Digital and IT Strategy, the service value system and the service value chain, and explain how to utilize them to create value.
  • Understand how an organization uses Digital and IT Strategy to remain viable in environments disrupted by digital technology.
  • Understand strategic approaches made possible by digital and information technology to achieve customer / market relevance and operational excellence.
  • Understand the risks and opportunities of Digital and IT Strategy.
  • Understand the steps and techniques involved in defining and advocating for a Digital and IT Strategy.
  • Understand how to implement a Digital and IT Strategy.



  • Introduction and overview of Digital and IT Strategy
  • Foundation recap
  • Key concepts of digital and IT strategy – Part 1
  • Key concepts of digital and IT strategy – Part 2
  • Key concepts of digital and IT strategy – Part 3
  • Organizational viability - Part 1
  • Organizational viability - Part 2
  • Strategic approaches
  • Financial aspects of strategy
  • Innovation
  • Risk
  • Define and advocate strategy
  • Implementing strategy - Part 1 Organization
  • Implementing strategy - Part 2 Implementing
  • Implementing strategy - Part 3 Assessing success
  • Exam simulator


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