Train and deploy a machine learning model with Azure Machine Learning [M-DP3007]

Startdatum en plaats

Train and deploy a machine learning model with Azure Machine Learning [M-DP3007]

Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V.
Logo van Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V.
Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar_border 7,6 Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V. heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 7,6 (uit 178 ervaringen)

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Startdata en plaatsen

22 apr. 2025
Toon rooster
event 22 april 2025, 10:00-18:00, VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER, NL239160.1
24 jun. 2025
Toon rooster
event 24 juni 2025, 10:00-18:00, VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER, NL239161.1
29 aug. 2025
Toon rooster
event 29 augustus 2025, 10:00-18:00, VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER, NL239162.1
24 okt. 2025
Toon rooster
event 24 oktober 2025, 10:00-18:00, VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER, NL239163.1
19 dec. 2025
Toon rooster
event 19 december 2025, 10:00-18:00, VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER, NL239164.1


Ontdek de verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden bij Global Knowledge

Online of op locatie er is altijd een vorm die bij je past.

Kies op welke manier jij of je team graag een training wilt volgen. Global Knowledge bied je verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden. Je kunt kiezen uit o.a. klassikaal, Virtueel Klassikaal (online), e-Learning en maatwerk. Met onze Blended oplossing kun je de verschillende trainingsvormen combineren.


To train a machine learning model with Azure Machine Learning, you need to make data available and configure the necessary compute. After training your model and tracking model metrics with MLflow, you can decide to deploy your model to an online endpoint for real-time predictions. Throughout this learning path, you explore how to set up your Azure Machine Learning workspace, after which you train and deploy a machine learning model.


During this course, you will learn to:
  • Make data available in Azure Machine Learning
  • Work with compute targets in Azure Machine Learning
  • Work with environments in Azure Machine Learning
  • Run a training script as a command job in Azure Machine…

Lees de volledige beschrijving

Veelgestelde vragen

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Azure Machine Learning studio, Machine learning, Microsoft Azure, Data Science en Azure IaaS.

Ontdek de verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden bij Global Knowledge

Online of op locatie er is altijd een vorm die bij je past.

Kies op welke manier jij of je team graag een training wilt volgen. Global Knowledge bied je verschillende trainingsmogelijkheden. Je kunt kiezen uit o.a. klassikaal, Virtueel Klassikaal (online), e-Learning en maatwerk. Met onze Blended oplossing kun je de verschillende trainingsvormen combineren.


To train a machine learning model with Azure Machine Learning, you need to make data available and configure the necessary compute. After training your model and tracking model metrics with MLflow, you can decide to deploy your model to an online endpoint for real-time predictions. Throughout this learning path, you explore how to set up your Azure Machine Learning workspace, after which you train and deploy a machine learning model.


During this course, you will learn to:
  • Make data available in Azure Machine Learning
  • Work with compute targets in Azure Machine Learning
  • Work with environments in Azure Machine Learning
  • Run a training script as a command job in Azure Machine Learning
  • Track model training with MLflow in jobs
  • Register an MLflow model in Azure Machine Learning
  • Deploy a model to a managed online endpoint


This entry-level course is proposed to technicians and Data scientists who plan to work with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning workspaces.


Module 1 Make data available in Azure Machine Learning

Learn about how to connect to data from the Azure Machine Learning workspace. You're introduced to datastores and data assets.

Module 2 Work with compute targets in Azure Machine Learning

Learn how to work with compute targets in Azure Machine Learning. Compute targets allow you to run your machine learning workloads. Explore how and when you can use a compute instance or compute cluster.

Module 3 Work with environments in Azure Machine Learning

Learn how to use environments in Azure Machine Learning to run scripts on any compute target.

Module 4 Run a training script as a command job in Azure Machine Learning

Learn how to convert your code to a script and run it as a command job in Azure Machine Learning.

Module 5 Track model training with MLflow in jobs

Learn how to track model training with MLflow in jobs when running scripts.

Module 6 Register an MLflow model in Azure Machine Learning

Learn how to log and register an MLflow model in Azure Machine Learning.

Module 7 Deploy a model to a managed online endpoint

Learn how to deploy models to a managed online endpoint for real-time inferencing.


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Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

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