Captivate 5 Essential Training

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Captivate 5 Essential Training

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Shows how to create interactive presentations, click-through simulations, and customized assessments using Captivate 5.In Captivate 5 Essential Training, author James Lockman demonstrates the core features of Captivate 5, the popular tool for authoring e-learning content such as interactive presentations, click-through simulations, and customized assessments. He shows how to import and sync PowerPoint presentations, add interactivity, and incorporate audio, video, and voiceovers. The course also includes tutorials on assessment reporting and integrating with SCORM-compliant learning management systems. Exercise files accompany the course. Topics include: Touring the interface and workspaces …

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Shows how to create interactive presentations, click-through simulations, and customized assessments using Captivate 5.In Captivate 5 Essential Training, author James Lockman demonstrates the core features of Captivate 5, the popular tool for authoring e-learning content such as interactive presentations, click-through simulations, and customized assessments. He shows how to import and sync PowerPoint presentations, add interactivity, and incorporate audio, video, and voiceovers. The course also includes tutorials on assessment reporting and integrating with SCORM-compliant learning management systems. Exercise files accompany the course. Topics include: Touring the interface and workspaces Building a basic project with shapes, objects, and text Branding a presentation using master slides and object styles Exploring user-based content at Captivate Exchange Animating with the Timeline Adding buttons, rollover images, and captions Creating branching presentations Working with templates Recording a simulation Creating assessments with customized questions Setting up quiz reporting on Exporting and sharing a project

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