Creating an HTML Email Newsletter

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Creating an HTML Email Newsletter

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Covers how to craft and deliver HTML email newsletters.In this course, author Tim Slavin shows how to design and code an HTML email newsletter, including setting the final dimensions and color palette, placing images and copy in the code structures of the file, and defining the newsletter's parameters with tables within tables. The course demonstrates each step of building an HTML newsletter, up to testing and sending the email. Topics include: Adjusting margins and padding in the code Setting the look for headers and footers Testing the code with tools like BrowserLab Building a TXT equivalent of an HTML email for simple email readers

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: (X)HTML & CSS, E-mail, Webdesign, Programmeren (algemeen) en NodeJS.

Covers how to craft and deliver HTML email newsletters.In this course, author Tim Slavin shows how to design and code an HTML email newsletter, including setting the final dimensions and color palette, placing images and copy in the code structures of the file, and defining the newsletter's parameters with tables within tables. The course demonstrates each step of building an HTML newsletter, up to testing and sending the email. Topics include: Adjusting margins and padding in the code Setting the look for headers and footers Testing the code with tools like BrowserLab Building a TXT equivalent of an HTML email for simple email readers

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