Creating Ebooks with InDesign CS4 or CS5

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Creating Ebooks with InDesign CS4 or CS5

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Takes you through every step in the process of creating an ebook, from setting up the InDesign document to exporting an EPUB file that can be read on a computer, smartphone, Apple iPad, or Sony Reader.Expert trainer Gabriel Powell takes you through every step in the process of creating an ebook, from setting up the Adobe InDesign document to exporting an EPUB file that can be read on a computer, smartphone, Apple iPad, or Sony Reader. Plus, learn how to edit an ebook, customize its navigation, and create scalable images, as well as how to validate an EPUB file to ensure that it's error-free and fully compliant with the EPUB specification. Topics include: Exporting an EPUB file from InDesign …

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Takes you through every step in the process of creating an ebook, from setting up the InDesign document to exporting an EPUB file that can be read on a computer, smartphone, Apple iPad, or Sony Reader.Expert trainer Gabriel Powell takes you through every step in the process of creating an ebook, from setting up the Adobe InDesign document to exporting an EPUB file that can be read on a computer, smartphone, Apple iPad, or Sony Reader. Plus, learn how to edit an ebook, customize its navigation, and create scalable images, as well as how to validate an EPUB file to ensure that it's error-free and fully compliant with the EPUB specification. Topics include: Exporting an EPUB file from InDesign CS4 or CS5 What's inside an EPUB file? Editing an EPUB file in Mac OS X or Windows Laying out pages Working with text Exporting graphics Creating a table of contents or navigation guide Inserting metadata Creating scalable images Validating an EPUB file

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