Flex "Hero" and Flash Builder "Burrito" Beta Preview

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Flex "Hero" and Flash Builder "Burrito" Beta Preview

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An in-depth tour of the first version of Flex and Flash Builder to be targeted at mobile development.Flex "Hero" and Flash Builder "Burrito" Beta Preview with James Talbot is an in-depth tour of the first version of this Flash-based development platform to be targeted at mobile development. The course reviews the basics of creating and testing an app and details the new features in Flash Builder for development and debugging on Android, and the new code generation features, such as Quick Assist and templates, to make developers more productive. Topics include: Installing AIR Using the Android emulator Switching views Accessing remote data Using a mobile icon item renderer Coding with templat…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Adobe (Macromedia) Flash, Animaties, Adobe Flash Catalyst, Adobe Flash Player en SAP.

An in-depth tour of the first version of Flex and Flash Builder to be targeted at mobile development.Flex "Hero" and Flash Builder "Burrito" Beta Preview with James Talbot is an in-depth tour of the first version of this Flash-based development platform to be targeted at mobile development. The course reviews the basics of creating and testing an app and details the new features in Flash Builder for development and debugging on Android, and the new code generation features, such as Quick Assist and templates, to make developers more productive. Topics include: Installing AIR Using the Android emulator Switching views Accessing remote data Using a mobile icon item renderer Coding with templates Using generate from usage Editing graphics in Flash Catalyst

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