Insights from a Business Coach

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Insights from a Business Coach

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Get a glimpse of what it takes to start and successfully run a business in this candid interview with seasoned business coach and author Dave Crenshaw.Get a glimpse of what it takes to start and successfully run a business in this candid interview with seasoned business coach and author Dave Crenshaw. Discover the secrets of managing priorities, working for your customers, bankrolling an idea, and investing in future success. The course covers tips from getting started as an entrepreneur to pitching to investors and researching the competition. Topics include: Finding focus Increasing brand awareness Planning ahead Understanding the importance of company culture Maintaining customer relation…

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Get a glimpse of what it takes to start and successfully run a business in this candid interview with seasoned business coach and author Dave Crenshaw.Get a glimpse of what it takes to start and successfully run a business in this candid interview with seasoned business coach and author Dave Crenshaw. Discover the secrets of managing priorities, working for your customers, bankrolling an idea, and investing in future success. The course covers tips from getting started as an entrepreneur to pitching to investors and researching the competition. Topics include: Finding focus Increasing brand awareness Planning ahead Understanding the importance of company culture Maintaining customer relationships Dealing with discouragement Finding a balance

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