Up and Running with NoSQL Databases

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Up and Running with NoSQL Databases

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Explore the possibilities NoSQL databases offer developers for unparalleled flexibility and performance.Explore the possibilities NoSQL databases offer developers for unparalleled flexibility and performance. In this course, author Joseph LeBlanc shows how to build an entire web application with CouchDB and introduces techniques such as querying with JavaScript, working with nested data, and creating views. He also explains some of the trade-offs you might encounter with NoSQL databases, such as the complexity of partitioning data across multiple servers, and presents five commonly used NoSQL databases: CouchDB, MongoDB, Cassandra, Riak, and Redis. Topics include: What is NoSQL? Installing C…

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Explore the possibilities NoSQL databases offer developers for unparalleled flexibility and performance.Explore the possibilities NoSQL databases offer developers for unparalleled flexibility and performance. In this course, author Joseph LeBlanc shows how to build an entire web application with CouchDB and introduces techniques such as querying with JavaScript, working with nested data, and creating views. He also explains some of the trade-offs you might encounter with NoSQL databases, such as the complexity of partitioning data across multiple servers, and presents five commonly used NoSQL databases: CouchDB, MongoDB, Cassandra, Riak, and Redis. Topics include: What is NoSQL? Installing CouchDB on Mac, Windows, and Linux Storing data Nesting document data Specifying search criteria Reducing data Attaching and retrieving images Deploying applications Securing CouchDB Understanding the CAP theorem

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