EDU-210 Palo Alto Firewall 10.1 Essentials: Configuration and Management (EDU-210) Klassikaal

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EDU-210 Palo Alto Firewall 10.1 Essentials: Configuration and Management (EDU-210) Klassikaal

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Volg de EDU-210 Training Palo Alto Networks Firewall 10.1 Essentials: Configuration and Management. Je leert het configureren en beheren van Palo Alto Networks NextGeneration Firewalls. De training omvat hands-on ervaring met het configureren, beheren en bewaken van een firewall in een laboratoriumomgeving.

Na afronding van deze training kun je onder andere:

  • Firewalls van Palo Alto Networks configureren en beheren
  • Beveiligings- en NAT-beleid om gecontroleerd verkeer tussen zones mogelijk maken
  • Strategieën voor bedreigingspreventie om verkeer van bekende en onbekende IP-adressen, domeinen en URL's te blokkeren

Deze training bevat Engelstalig lesmateriaal en wordt gegeven door een Nederland…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Palo Alto, Firewall, Netwerken (IT), Netwerkmanagement / Netwerkbeheer en SIAM.

Train met korting met het STAP Budget

Alle trainingen van Master IT komen in aanmerking voor subsidie met het STAP Budget. Geef bij je aanmelding aan dat je gebruik wilt maken van het STAP-budget om €1000 korting te krijgen op jouw IT-training!

Volg de EDU-210 Training Palo Alto Networks Firewall 10.1 Essentials: Configuration and Management. Je leert het configureren en beheren van Palo Alto Networks NextGeneration Firewalls. De training omvat hands-on ervaring met het configureren, beheren en bewaken van een firewall in een laboratoriumomgeving.

Na afronding van deze training kun je onder andere:

  • Firewalls van Palo Alto Networks configureren en beheren
  • Beveiligings- en NAT-beleid om gecontroleerd verkeer tussen zones mogelijk maken
  • Strategieën voor bedreigingspreventie om verkeer van bekende en onbekende IP-adressen, domeinen en URL's te blokkeren

Deze training bevat Engelstalig lesmateriaal en wordt gegeven door een Nederlandssprekende docent (indien gewenst ook mogelijk in het Engels).

The Palo Alto Networks Firewall 10.1 Essentials: Configuration and Management (EDU-210) course is five days of instructor-led training that will help you to:

  • Configure and manage the essential features of Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls.
  • Configure and manage Security and NAT policies to enable approved traffic to and from zones.
  • Configure and manage Threat Prevention strategies to block traffic from known and unknown IP addresses, domains, and URLs.
  • Monitor network traffic using the interactive web interface and firewall reports.
Successful completion of this five-day, instructor-led course should enhance the student’s understanding of how to configure and manage Palo Alto Networks NextGeneration Firewalls. The course includes hands-on experience configuring, managing, and monitoring a firewall in a lab environment.


Dit is een klassikale training en wordt verzorgd op locatie of in een virtual classroom.


Security Engineers, Security Administrators, Security Operations Specialists, Security Analysts, and Support Staff.Security Engineers, Security Administrators, Security Operations Specialists, Security Analysts, and Support Staff.


Students must have a basic familiarity with networking concepts including routing, switching, and IP addressing. Students also should be familiar with basic security concepts. Experience with other security technologies (IPS, proxy, and content filtering) is a plus.Students must have a basic familiarity with networking concepts including routing, switching, and IP addressing. Students also should be familiar with basic security concepts. Experience with other security technologies (IPS, proxy, and content filtering) is a plus.


1 - Palo Alto Networks Portfolio and Architecture

2 - Connect to the Management Network

3 - Manage Firewall Configurations

4 - Manage Firewall Administrator Accounts

5 - Connect to Production Networks

6 - The Cyberattack Lifecycle

7 - Block Threats Using Security and NAT Policies

8 - Block Packet- and Protocol-Based Attacks

9 - Block Threats from Known Bad Sources

10 - Block Threats by Identifying Applications

11 - Maintain Application-Based Policies

12 - Block Threats Using Custom Applications

13 - Block Threats by Identifying Users

14 – Block Threats by Identifying Devices

15 - Block Unknown Threats

16 - Block Threats in Encrypted Traffic

17 - Prevent Use of Stolen Credentials

18 - Block Threats Using Security Profiles

19 - View Threat and Traffic Information

20 - Next Steps

1 - Palo Alto Networks Portfolio and Architecture

2 - Connect to the Management Network

3 - Manage Firewall Configurations

4 - Manage Firewall Administrator Accounts

5 - Connect to Production Networks

6 - The Cyberattack Lifecycle

7 - Block Threats Using Security and NAT Policies

8 - Block Packet- and Protocol-Based Attacks

9 - Block Threats from Known Bad Sources

10 - Block Threats by Identifying Applications

11 - Maintain Application-Based Policies

12 - Block Threats Using Custom Applications

13 - Block Threats by Identifying Users

14 – Block Threats by Identifying Devices

15 - Block Unknown Threats

16 - Block Threats in Encrypted Traffic

17 - Prevent Use of Stolen Credentials

18 - Block Threats Using Security Profiles

19 - View Threat and Traffic Information

20 - Next Steps

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