ITIL4DITS ITIL 4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy + Examen E-Learning

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ITIL4DITS ITIL 4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy + Examen E-Learning

Master it Training
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Train met korting met het STAP Budget

Alle trainingen van Master IT komen in aanmerking voor subsidie met het STAP Budget. Geef bij je aanmelding aan dat je gebruik wilt maken van het STAP-budget om €1000 korting te krijgen op jouw IT-training!

Volg de ITIL 4 - Digital and IT Strategy training + examen. Deze training biedt richtlijnen over hoe strategie het ontwerp, de levering en ondersteuning van services in de servicewaardeketen van een organisatie moet beïnvloeden.

Deze training wordt verzorgd door geaccrediteerd PeopleCert partner: Global Knowledge Network Netherlands.

Na afronding van deze training kun je onder andere:

  • ITIL-leidende principes gebruiken bij beslissingen en activiteiten op het gebied van digitale en IT-strategie
  • Een digitale strategie gebruiken om te reageren op digitale disruptie
  • Goed voorbereid het officiële ITIL®4 Digital and IT Strategy examen maken

The ITIL® 4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy (DITS) train…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Digitaal Leiderschap / Strategie, ITIL v4, ITIL Overzicht, Leiderschap en Innovatiemanagement.

Train met korting met het STAP Budget

Alle trainingen van Master IT komen in aanmerking voor subsidie met het STAP Budget. Geef bij je aanmelding aan dat je gebruik wilt maken van het STAP-budget om €1000 korting te krijgen op jouw IT-training!

Volg de ITIL 4 - Digital and IT Strategy training + examen. Deze training biedt richtlijnen over hoe strategie het ontwerp, de levering en ondersteuning van services in de servicewaardeketen van een organisatie moet beïnvloeden.

Deze training wordt verzorgd door geaccrediteerd PeopleCert partner: Global Knowledge Network Netherlands.

Na afronding van deze training kun je onder andere:

  • ITIL-leidende principes gebruiken bij beslissingen en activiteiten op het gebied van digitale en IT-strategie
  • Een digitale strategie gebruiken om te reageren op digitale disruptie
  • Goed voorbereid het officiële ITIL®4 Digital and IT Strategy examen maken

The ITIL® 4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy (DITS) training provides guidance on how strategy should impact the design, delivery, and support of services throughout the service value chain of an organisation.

This course elevates the discussion around ITIL concepts to a corporate strategy level, by enabling IT and digital leaders to influence and drive strategic business decisions, by creating an appropriate digital strategy aligned to the wider cross-organisational goals. This ITIL training is therefore aimed towards IT and business directors, heads of department, aspiring C-Suite professionals and other senior business leaders who want to strategically position an organisation against digital disruptors, craft a digital vision and build a robust digital strategy for long term growth.

Candidates will gain extensive knowledge on how and when technological innovation can help drive organisational success, and when it can add unnecessary layers of complexity and risk, enabling them to balance legacy with new ways of working effectively.

  • Demonstrate the use of the ITIL guiding principles in Digital and IT Strategy decisions and activities
  • Understand how to leverage digital strategy to react to digital disruption
  • Understand the relationship between the concepts of Digital and IT Strategy, the service value system and the service value chain, and explain how to utilize them to create value
  • Understand how an organization uses Digital and IT Strategy to remain viable in environments disrupted by digital technology
  • Understand strategic approaches made possible by digital and information technology to achieve customer/market relevance and operational excellence
  • Understand the risks and opportunities of Digital and IT Strategy
  • Understand the steps and techniques involved in defining and advocating for a Digital and IT Strategy
  • Understand how to implement a Digital and IT Strategy

This course prepares delegates for the ITIL Strategic Leader: Digital and IT Strategy examination and is one of the two modules that lead to the award of ITIL 4 Strategic Leader (SL) status.

For the ITIL ® 4 Digital and IT Strategy certification, there are two forms of assessment:

  • Practical case study assignments; The case study assignments are covered and graded in the training session.
  • Multiple-choice question exam; his is taken subsequent to the training course

A candidate must successfully pass both the case study assignments and the Multipe Choice Exam to achieve the certification.

The exam fee is included.

ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.


Ben je op zoek naar volledige zelfstudie? Wij bieden je de mogelijkheid om deze training volledig in jouw eigen tijd te volgen. Uiteraard met het officiële Engelstalige lesmateriaal waarmee je de juiste kennis opdoet.


  • IT and business directors
  • Heads of department
  • Aspiring C-Suite professionals
  • Other senior business leaders across the organization.
  • IT and business directors
  • Heads of department
  • Aspiring C-Suite professionals
  • Other senior business leaders across the organization.


Candidates must hold the ITIL 4 Foundation certificate. In addition, the ITIL 4 Leader modules require a minimum of three years of IT managerial experience.

Candidates must hold the ITIL 4 Foundation certificate. In addition, the ITIL 4 Leader modules require a minimum of three years of IT managerial experience.


  • Guiding principles and DITS
  • Why Digital Transformation
  • Key Concepts
  • DITS in disrupted industries
  • Strategic approaches
  • Risks
  • Defining a Digital Strategy
  • Implementing a Digital Strategy
  • Guiding principles and DITS
  • Why Digital Transformation
  • Key Concepts
  • DITS in disrupted industries
  • Strategic approaches
  • Risks
  • Defining a Digital Strategy
  • Implementing a Digital Strategy

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Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

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