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Bijspijkerlessen en opfriscursussen wiskunde en natuurkunde

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BIJSPIJKERLESSEN EN OPFRISCURSUSSEN WISKUNDE EN NATUURKUNDE Veel havo’ers en mbo’ers Techniek beginnen met grote achterstanden aan hun hbo-…


Opfriscursus Natuurkunde

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Uitgebreid Om een technische opleiding te kunnen volgen, is het noodzakelijk een bepaalde basis te hebben in natuurkunde. Daarom heb je de …


Leraar Natuurkunde - Voltijd - bachelor

Logo van NHL Stenden bekostigd onderwijs

Kies je voor Leraar Natuurkunde bij NHL Stenden Hogeschool dan kun je afstuderen met twee diploma's. Door een vakverbredende minor en extra …


Class 11 Physics (India) - Hindi: Horizontally launched projectile (Hindi)

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In this video Ram explains how to solve for the horizontal displacement when the projectile starts with a horizontal initial velocity. He a…


Class 11 Physics (India): Properties of periodic waves

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Amplitude, period, frequency and wavelength of periodic waves. How to calculate wave velocity. Class 11 Physics (India) Let's learn, practi…


Class 11 Physics (India): Free body diagram with angled forces: worked example

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Sal draws a free body diagram for a box held stationary against a wall with a force at an angle theta. Class 11 Physics (India) Let's learn…


Class 11 Physics (India): Treating systems (the easy way)

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David shows the easier way to find the acceleration of two masses connected by a rope. Class 11 Physics (India) Let's learn, practice, and …


Class 12 Physics (India): Magnetic force between two currents going in the same direction

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Sal shows how to determine the magnetic force between two currents going in the same direction. Class 12 Physics (India) It is now time to …


Class 11 Physics (India): Limits by factoring

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Sal finds the limit of (x²+x-6)/(x-2) at x=2 by factoring and simplifying the expression. Class 11 Physics (India) Let's learn, practice, a…


Class 11 Physics (India) - Hindi: Capillary action and why we see a meniscus (Hindi)

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How capillary action and the meniscus are related to intermolecular forces in water. Class 11 Physics (India) - Hindi To help students who …


Class 11 Physics (India): Law of conservation of energy

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Sal discusses how energy can't be created or destroyed in an isolated system, and works an example of how energy is transformed when a ball…


Class 11 Physics (India): 2-dimensional momentum problem

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An example of conservation of momentum in two dimensions. Class 11 Physics (India) Let's learn, practice, and master topics of class 11 phy…


Class 11 Physics (India): Doppler effect introduction

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Learn about the Doppler effect and how it explains the change in frequency of a wave when its source and an observer are moving. Class 11 P…


Class 10 Physics (India): Convex mirror & applications

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When curved mirrors have a reflecting surface on the outside, they are called convex mirrors. (vex stands for bulging out). Let's learn wha…


Class 11 Physics (India) - Hindi: Doppler effect formula when source is moving away (Hindi)

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Let's look at the case where the source is moving away from the listener. Class 11 Physics (India) - Hindi To help students who prefer to l…