Intro to Enterprise Search with Apache Solr and Lucene


Intro to Enterprise Search with Apache Solr and Lucene

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Orange11 will offer a 2-day training session prior to this years GOTO Amsterdam conference.

This training will cover an Introduction to Enterprise Search with Apache Solr and Lucene. It's an in-depth instructor-led training course with hands-on activities and case-discussion held by active Lucene & Solr committers and contributors.
The course aims to provide a solid foundation in Enterprise Search concepts, starting with Apache Lucene basics and internals throughout best-practices, basic Information Retrieval and distributed search application development with Apache Solr. During and after the training hours there will be time for discussions as well as attendee case-studies. At the end of …

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Orange11 will offer a 2-day training session prior to this years GOTO Amsterdam conference.

This training will cover an Introduction to Enterprise Search with Apache Solr and Lucene. It's an in-depth instructor-led training course with hands-on activities and case-discussion held by active Lucene & Solr committers and contributors.
The course aims to provide a solid foundation in Enterprise Search concepts, starting with Apache Lucene basics and internals throughout best-practices, basic Information Retrieval and distributed search application development with Apache Solr. During and after the training hours there will be time for discussions as well as attendee case-studies. At the end of the training you will have a deep understanding how Apache Lucene and Solr work together, you will be able to reliably analyze, understand and solve common problems and ready to build state of the art Enterprise Search Applications.

Course Contents
Since we believe that to successfully develop Enterprise Search Applications with Apache Solr it is essential to have a good understanding how the underlying Apache Lucene engine operates, the course starts with primary focus on Apache Lucene.
Day 1 - Apache Lucene & Introduction to Apache Solr

    •    Introduction to Lucene
    ◦    Overview of core concepts and terminology
    ◦    Introduction to Lucene’s text analysis
    ◦    Overview of Lucene queries
    ◦    Relevancy and Scoring 101

    •    Introduction to Solr
    ◦    In depth overview of Solr’s architecture
    ◦    Understanding Solr configuration
    ◦    Solr Schema 101

    •    Basic search functionality
    ◦    Understanding how search request handlers and components work
    ◦    Overview of the available query parsers and function queries
    ◦    Solr faceting 

Day 2 - Advanced Apache Solr

    •    Explore advanced search functionality
    ◦    Highlighting support
    ◦    Spellchecking
    ◦    Auto-suggest
    ◦    “More like this...” (MLT)
    ◦    Spatial search

    •    Indexing data
    ◦    Push vs. pull indexing model
    ◦    Overview of Solr’s update process (incl. update handlers and update processors)
    ◦    Introduction to Data Import Handler and it supported data sources

    •    Performance & Scalability
    ◦    In depth overview of Solr’s caching mechanisms
    ◦    Understanding Solr replication support
    ◦    Introduction to distributed search and sharding

This is a public training so everyone is welcome to join, however as an added bonus for our GOTO attendees we have a special discounted rate on offer.

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