NEN 3140 Instructed Person - Dag

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NEN 3140 Instructed Person - Dag

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Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar_border 8,3 ROVC heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 8,3 (uit 534 ervaringen)
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Startdata en plaatsen

29 apr. 2025
16 jun. 2025
24 jun. 2025
1 okt. 2025
9 okt. 2025


ROVC, technisch de beste opleider!

Want to be allowed to perform work without having an electrical engineering qualification? Follow the ROVC NEN 3140 Instructed Person training course!

Is it your job to carry out simple activities on electrical installations, or do you want to be qualified as an NEN 3140 Instructed Person? And is English your preferred language? Then this is the perfect training course for you. The training course takes one full day, half of which will be spent in our practical lab. Among other things, you will learn how to replace fuses and how to correctly use personal protective equipment.

Do you want to read the full page in English? Press the right-click on your mouse button and select "Translate to Eng…

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Veelgestelde vragen

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Electrical engineering, NEN, Systems Engineering, NEN 1010 en NEN 3140/ Stipel.

ROVC, technisch de beste opleider!

Want to be allowed to perform work without having an electrical engineering qualification? Follow the ROVC NEN 3140 Instructed Person training course!

Is it your job to carry out simple activities on electrical installations, or do you want to be qualified as an NEN 3140 Instructed Person? And is English your preferred language? Then this is the perfect training course for you. The training course takes one full day, half of which will be spent in our practical lab. Among other things, you will learn how to replace fuses and how to correctly use personal protective equipment.

Do you want to read the full page in English? Press the right-click on your mouse button and select "Translate to English". This only works in Google Chrome.

Who is this training course for?

Is it your job to carry out simple activities on electrical installations, or do you want to be qualified as a NEN 3140 Instructed Person? Then the NEN 3140 Instructed Person training course is perfect for you. You will be trained for level: Check. No specific prior technical education is required for this course.

Course content

  • Discussing your work environment through workplace assignments
  • How to work safely in electrical engineering
  • Risk assessment
  • How to disconnect electrical installations from the power supply following predetermined steps
  • Working, measuring or operating a powered installation
  • Laws and regulations
  • Cases about the above subjects as preparation for the practical lab sessions

Study Load
The study load for this training is 9 hours, comprising 7 hours of training and an estimated 2 hours of preparation per course day. Questions, cases and assignments can be accessed through the online learning environment.


  • Unlimited access to the course materials via MyROVC
  • Interaction with the instructor (up to 2 months after completion)
  • Access to e-learnings via EasyGenerator for 1 year



Throughout the course, we will assess active participation, correct application of the learned skills and the ability to apply what you have learned in practice. If you pass, you will receive a company-recognised certificate and your employer can appoint you to be a NEN 3140 Instructed Person.


CerTech is an independent examination organisation responsible for developing, organising and conducting exams and tests. Annually, CerTech examines more than 10.000 candidates on behalf of trade organisations, consultancies and training institutes. These are mainly exams and tests focusing on technology, safety, security and organisation & communication. 

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