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22 Sport Boek trainingen, cursussen & opleidingen


100 Sportcoachtips & Positief Coachen

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Het Positief Coachen Programma van Stichting Jeugdsport draagt sterk bij aan (1) het verbeteren van de sportbeleving van kinderen, (2) het …


Sports Development, Law And Commercialization

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This book is ideal for sports managers, administrators and sports organisers running a sports club or institution. People who would like to…


What successful people really do: Part 1

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The simple, practical ideas in this book could transform your life. It’s about the science of success. Forget the myths, like always being …


What successful people really do: Part 1

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The simple, practical ideas in this book could transform your life. It’s about the science of success. Forget the myths, like always being …


Sport Management

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This book begins with an introduction to sport management, explaining the scope of sport management as well as the sport manager’s responsi…


Sport Management

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This book begins with an introduction to sport management, explaining the scope of sport management as well as the sport manager’s responsi…


It’s all about You!

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Privé en zakelijk lopen steeds meer door elkaar. De online en offline wereld zijn met elkaar verweven. Jij bent de spil in jouw leven of he…


100 Sportcoachtips & Positief Coachen

Logo van Bookboon

Het Positief Coachen Programma van Stichting Jeugdsport draagt sterk bij aan (1) het verbeteren van de sportbeleving van kinderen, (2) het b…


Sport Organisation and Administration

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This book begins with a discussion on what a sport organization is. The reader will develop an understanding of the different types of stru…


The Village That Could

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This entertaining story could change your life. You could just read it for fun, but there’s more to it than you might expect. The 15 ways t…


Sports Development, Law And Commercialization

Logo van Bookboon

This book is ideal for sports managers, administrators and sports organisers running a sports club or institution. People who would like to…


Sport Organisation and Administration

Logo van Bookboon

This book begins with a discussion on what a sport organization is. The reader will develop an understanding of the different types of stru…


It’s all about You!

Logo van Bookboon

Privé en zakelijk lopen steeds meer door elkaar. De online en offline wereld zijn met elkaar verweven. Jij bent de spil in jouw leven of he…


The Village That Could

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This entertaining story could change your life. You could just read it for fun, but there’s more to it than you might expect. The 15 ways t…


Mind Gym

Logo van Blinkist

Mind Gym (2001) sheds light on the important role our minds play in physical performance and athletic excellence. These blinks draw on the …