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36 Genetics trainingen, cursussen & opleidingen


Biology: Bacteria

Logo van Khan Academy

Introduction to bacteria. Biology Life is beautiful! From atoms to cells, from genes to proteins, from populations to ecosystems, biology i…


Biology: Genetic drift, bottleneck effect, and founder effect

Logo van Khan Academy

Learn how chance events can alter allele frequencies in populations, particularly when the populations are small, via genetic drift, the bo…


Biology: Thomas Hunt Morgan and fruit flies

Logo van Khan Academy

Thomas Hunt Morgan's pioneering fruit fly work that helped validate the chromosomal theory of inheritance. Biology Life is beautiful! From …


Biology: Applying the Hardy-Weinberg equation

Logo van Khan Academy

Using the Hardy-Weinberg equation to calculate allele and genotype frequencies. Biology Life is beautiful! From atoms to cells, from genes …


Biology: Boveri-Sutton chromosome theory

Logo van Khan Academy

Overview of how chromosomes were first proposed as the carriers of Mendel's "heritable factors" (what we now call "genes"). Biology Life is…


Biology: Alleles and genes

Logo van Khan Academy

A gene as a stretch of DNA on a chromosome. Alleles as versions (sequence variants) of a gene. Biology Life is beautiful! From atoms to cel…


Biology: Population genetics: When Darwin met Mendel

Logo van Khan Academy

Hank talks about population genetics, which helps to explain the evolution of populations over time by combing the principles of Mendel and…


Biology: Discussions of conditions for Hardy-Weinberg

Logo van Khan Academy

An overview of what happens when the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are not fulfilled. Biology Life is beautiful! From atoms to …


Biology: Worked example: Punnett squares

Logo van Khan Academy

Learn how to use Punnett squares to calculate probabilities of different phenotypes. Includes worked examples of dihybrid crosses. independ…


Biology: Introduction to heredity

Logo van Khan Academy

Heredity and Classical Genetics. Dominant and recessive traits. Heterozygous and homozygous genotypes. Biology Life is beautiful! From atom…


Biology: Hardy-Weinberg equation

Logo van Khan Academy

This equation relates allele frequencies to genotype frequencies for populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Biology Life is beautiful! …


Biology: Allele frequency

Logo van Khan Academy

Allele frequencies in populations and how they differ from genotype frequencies. Biology Life is beautiful! From atoms to cells, from genes…



Logo van Blinkist

Superior (2019) tracks the history of race science, from its origins in the Enlightenment to its hidden – but growing – presence in the twe…


Why Love Matters

Logo van Blinkist

Why Love Matters (2004) is a study of how our early years shape who we become later in life. But this isn’t about rehashing the old nature-…


The Violinist’s Thumb

Logo van Blinkist

The Violinist’s Thumb is an exploration into DNA, the double-helix of life itself. The following blinks chronicle the scientific discoverie…