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Whole (2013) poses some fascinating questions: Can a change in our diet change the world? Would cutting back on our meat consumption make us and the planet a whole lot healthier? The evidence certainly suggests that a diet based on whole foods, plants and other low-protein foods might be the key to healthier living for everyone. So find out why the powers that be would rather you kept eating fast food.

Who should read

Health-conscious readers Medical students and professionals interested in preventing diseases Foodies curious about their diet’s impact on the world

About the author

T. Colin Campbell is a biochemist and expert on the subject of health and nutrition. He is also a Professor Emer…

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Whole (2013) poses some fascinating questions: Can a change in our diet change the world? Would cutting back on our meat consumption make us and the planet a whole lot healthier? The evidence certainly suggests that a diet based on whole foods, plants and other low-protein foods might be the key to healthier living for everyone. So find out why the powers that be would rather you kept eating fast food.

Who should read

Health-conscious readers Medical students and professionals interested in preventing diseases Foodies curious about their diet’s impact on the world

About the author

T. Colin Campbell is a biochemist and expert on the subject of health and nutrition. He is also a Professor Emeritus of Cornell University and the celebrated, best-selling author of the highly influential book, The China Study.  

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