Savvy Performance Management

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Savvy Performance Management

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This book is for anyone who has ever tried to manage people’s performance and is convinced there must be a better way.

It provides managers and leaders at all levels with a practical take on how to create and embed a high performance culture through day-to-day strategies and techniques that really work.

Read this book to discover:

  • The truth about performance management in todays organisations
  • What really motivates people to do their best work
  • How to create and embed a high performance culture
  • What techniques and strategies genuinely achieve better performance
  • How to ditch painful performance management and replace it with Savvy Conversations


  1. Performance Management: The New Conte…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Performance Management, Management Algemeen, Teamvorming & Teamtraining, Lean en Valideren.

This book is for anyone who has ever tried to manage people’s performance and is convinced there must be a better way.

It provides managers and leaders at all levels with a practical take on how to create and embed a high performance culture through day-to-day strategies and techniques that really work.

Read this book to discover:

  • The truth about performance management in todays organisations
  • What really motivates people to do their best work
  • How to create and embed a high performance culture
  • What techniques and strategies genuinely achieve better performance
  • How to ditch painful performance management and replace it with Savvy Conversations


  1. Performance Management: The New Context
  2. Performance Management in today’s workplace
  3. Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations
  4. Using the power of 1-1’s as a key performance management tool
  5. Meeting the challenges of managing virtually
  6. Identifying the performance management culture gap
  7. Understanding the role of objectives and goal setting
  8. Motivating people to do their best work
  9. Why Savvy Conversations will transform your performance discussions
  10. Using my CREDS Model for more effective performance conversations
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