Flex 4.5 and PHP: Creating Data-Driven Applications

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Flex 4.5 and PHP: Creating Data-Driven Applications

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Shows developers how to integrate Flex applications with PHP-based data services.This course teaches developers how to integrate Flex applications with PHP-based data services. Author Drew Falkman demonstrates retrieving XML data from a PHP server with HTTPService, connecting PHP classes to Flex using the amfPHP, WebOrb and ZendAMF adapters, and using the PHP data wizards in Flash Builder to save development time. The course also previews the Zend Studio IDE bundled with Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP and covers advanced topics such as setting up Flex mobile projects and changing servers at run time. Topics include: Understanding session management Accessing RESTful services Customizing service c…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Data Driven, PHP, Web Development, Big Data en Datavisualisatie.

Shows developers how to integrate Flex applications with PHP-based data services.This course teaches developers how to integrate Flex applications with PHP-based data services. Author Drew Falkman demonstrates retrieving XML data from a PHP server with HTTPService, connecting PHP classes to Flex using the amfPHP, WebOrb and ZendAMF adapters, and using the PHP data wizards in Flash Builder to save development time. The course also previews the Zend Studio IDE bundled with Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP and covers advanced topics such as setting up Flex mobile projects and changing servers at run time. Topics include: Understanding session management Accessing RESTful services Customizing service calls by passing parameters Handling raw XML and JSON data Exposing a PHP class as a Flex service Generating PHP services with Flash Builder Debugging in Flash Builder and Zend Studio Exchanging data from PHP to Flex and back Building a Master-Detail page Implementing pagination Creating a synchronized database in AIR Using server-side session data

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