iOS 4: Building Data-Driven Applications

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iOS 4: Building Data-Driven Applications

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Create data-driven applications for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, with Internet connectivity, XML parsing, database storage, and data presentation.In iOS 4: Building Data-Driven Applications, Bill Weinman teaches how to create a universal app for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad with Internet connectivity, XML parsing, database storage (using SQLite), and data presentation. The course also demonstrates the process of distributing the application, including testing and preparing the app, preparing the assets, and submitting to the Apple App Store. The completed application built in this course, BW RSS, is available as a free download from the App Store. Exercise files are required for this co…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Data Driven, Apple iOS (overzicht), iOS, Big Data en Datavisualisatie.

Create data-driven applications for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, with Internet connectivity, XML parsing, database storage, and data presentation.In iOS 4: Building Data-Driven Applications, Bill Weinman teaches how to create a universal app for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad with Internet connectivity, XML parsing, database storage (using SQLite), and data presentation. The course also demonstrates the process of distributing the application, including testing and preparing the app, preparing the assets, and submitting to the Apple App Store. The completed application built in this course, BW RSS, is available as a free download from the App Store. Exercise files are required for this course, and are free to all members regardless of membership level. Please click the Exercise Files tab. Topics include: Prototyping with a sandbox Using SQLite for iOS database storage Designing a database schema Creating table views Parsing an XML data feed Getting input with a modal view Creating a web view Adding a settings/preferences pane Implementing the shake gesture Converting to a universal application Submitting to the App Store

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