iOS SDK and SQLite: Building Data-Driven Apps

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iOS SDK and SQLite: Building Data-Driven Apps

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Teaches you how to build a data-driven app for iOS devices, integrating XML data and a streamlined interface.The iOS software development kit (SDK) includes the popular SQLite library, a lightweight yet powerful relational database engine that is easily embedded into an application. In this course, Bill Weinman teaches you how to build an RSS reader for iOS devices, integrating XML data and a streamlined interface. He explains how to use the SQLite database, display information in a table view, code view controllers, and create a preferences pane for your app. The resulting application is optimized for all iPhone and iPad displays. Topics include: Prototyping the app Coding and working with …

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Data Driven, Apple iOS (overzicht), iOS, App Development en Big Data.

Teaches you how to build a data-driven app for iOS devices, integrating XML data and a streamlined interface.The iOS software development kit (SDK) includes the popular SQLite library, a lightweight yet powerful relational database engine that is easily embedded into an application. In this course, Bill Weinman teaches you how to build an RSS reader for iOS devices, integrating XML data and a streamlined interface. He explains how to use the SQLite database, display information in a table view, code view controllers, and create a preferences pane for your app. The resulting application is optimized for all iPhone and iPad displays. Topics include: Prototyping the app Coding and working with a testbed Creating an Objective-C interface for SQLite Designing a database schema Creating the view controllers Reading and writing to the database Parsing the RSS feed with NSXMLParser Updating the item view with feed items Implementing the pull to refresh gesture for iOS 6 Creating a universal application with multiple views

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