Advanced C# (Small-Group, 1 t/m 4 deelnemers)
Startdata en plaatsen
Deze training is het vervolg op de basis training OOP with Visual C#. In deze training leert men de alle features van C# 3 t/m 12.
- What's new in Visual C# 3.0: Implicitly Typed Local Variables, Automatic properties, Object & Collection Initializers, Anonymous Types, Extension Methods, Lambda Expressions, Expression Trees, Query Expressions, Partial Methods
- LINQ to Objects: Overview, Query Expressions, Query translation, Deferred Query Execution, Keywords and Operators
- What's new in Visual C# 4.0: Dynamic Typed Objects, Optional and named parameters, Improved COM Interop, Covariance and Contravariance
- Async Programming in C# 5.0: Threading (Delegates, ThreadPool, Bac…
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Deze training is het vervolg op de basis training OOP with Visual C#. In deze training leert men de alle features van C# 3 t/m 12.
- What's new in Visual C# 3.0: Implicitly Typed Local Variables, Automatic properties, Object & Collection Initializers, Anonymous Types, Extension Methods, Lambda Expressions, Expression Trees, Query Expressions, Partial Methods
- LINQ to Objects: Overview, Query Expressions, Query translation, Deferred Query Execution, Keywords and Operators
- What's new in Visual C# 4.0: Dynamic Typed Objects, Optional and named parameters, Improved COM Interop, Covariance and Contravariance
- Async Programming in C# 5.0: Threading (Delegates, ThreadPool, BackgroundWorker, Threads, Timers), Synchronization, Tasks, Parallel Constructs, Data Structures for Coordination, PLINQ, Debugging Parallel Apps, Cross Thread UI Access, C# 5.0 Async & Await, Caller Info attributes
- What's new in Visual C# 6.0: Getter-only auto-properties, Initializers for auto-properties, Using static classes, String interpolation, Expression-bodied methods & properties, Index initializers, Null-conditional operators, nameof operator, Exception filters, Await in catch and finally
- What's new in Visual C# 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3: Out Variables, Binary literals & Digit separators, Pattern Matching, Local Functions, Value Tuples, Deconstruction, Discards, More expression bodied members, Throw expressions, Ref Returns and Ref Locals, async Main, Infer tuple names, Default Expressions, Pattern-matching with Generics, Reference semantics with value types (In parameters, readonly struct, ref readonly, ref struct), Private Protected, Non-trailing named arguments, Ref (or in) Extension Methods, Conditional Ref Operator, New generic constraints (Enum, Delegate, unmanaged), Attributes on backing fields, Ref local re-assignment, Stackalloc initializers, Ref-foreach, Expression variables in initializers, Tuple comparison
- What's new in Visual C# 8.0: Readonly members, Nullable reference types, Default interface members, Async Streams, Pattern Matching (Switch Expressions, Property Patterns, Positional Patterns, Tuple Patterns), Indices and ranges, Asynchronous Dispose, Using declarations, Static local functions, Disposable ref structs, Null-coalescing assignment, Unmanaged constructed (generic) types, Enhancement of interpolated verbatim strings, Shadow variables in Local Functions and Lambdas
- What's new in Visual C# 9.0: Init only setters, Records, Top-level statements, Pattern matching enhancements, Target typing (Target-typed new expressions, Target-typed conditional expression), Functions improvements (Static anonymous functions, Attributes on local functions), Type system improvements (Covariant return types, Extension GetEnumerator in foreach loops, Lambda discard parameters, Nullable reference type and the class generic constraint), Low-level improvements (Native sized integers, Function pointers, Suppress emitting localsinit flag), Source Generators (Extending partial methods, Module initializers, Using Source Generators)
- What's new in Visual C# 10.0: Record structs, Parameterless struct constructors, Global using directives, File-scoped namespaces, Improved definite assignment, Improved interpolated strings, Constant interpolated strings, Extended property patterns, Mixed deconstructions, Lambda improvements, Lambda attributes, CallerArgumentExpression, Method-level AsyncMethodBuilder, #line span directive, Incremental source generators
- What's new in Visual C# 11.0: Raw string literals, UTF-8 String Literals, Allow new-lines in all interpolations, Auto-default structs, Cache delegates for static method groups, Extended nameof scope, Required properties, List Patterns, Pattern matching on Span<char>, Generic Attributes, File local types, Warnings on lowercase type names, numeric IntPtr, Low Level Struct Improvements, Checked user-defined operators, Shift operators improvements, Static abstract members in interfaces, Generic Math
- What's new in Visual C# 12.0: Primary Constructors, Instance member in ‘nameof’, Inline Arrays, Collection Expressions, Using aliases for any types, Optional and parameter array parameters for lambdas, Ref readonly parameter, Interceptors (experimental feature)
Een gedegen kennis van C# 1.x en 2.0 is vereist, bijvoorbeeld via OOP with C# Training.
Wat Reflection IT bijzonder maakt, is ons lesmateriaal. Dat ontwikkelen we zelf. Het standaard Microsoft Official Curriculum(MOC) dat veel opleiders gebruiken, vinden we namelijk te beperkt. We passen ons lesmateriaal voor en na een training steeds aan. Want iedere opleidingsvraag is weer anders en iedere training levert nieuwe inzichten op. Die verwerken we meteen. Net als alle ontwikkelingen in softwaretechnologieën en toepassingen daarvan. We maken ons materiaal in het Engels en geven er in het Nederlands of Engels uitleg bij. Als cursist krijgt u natuurlijk al het materiaal mee naar huis.
Training bij Reflection IT
De training kan op 2 manieren gegeven worden.
- Als een in-company training in Nederland en België bij u op locatie voor een groep van 3 tot maximaal 12 deelnemers. Deze training kan ook online gegeven worden.
- Als een Small-Group training in ons kantoor in Asten voor 1 tot maximaal 3 deelnemers, mogelijk van verschillende bedrijven. Data in overleg. Ook bij 1 deelnemer gaat de training door.
Indien u specifieke wensen heeft, helpen wij u graag bij het samenstellen van een maatwerktraining.
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