OKR Workshop


OKR Workshop

Springest Academy
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Gemiddeld cijfer voor OKR Workshop
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Bram Speelman
OKR Workshop

"I really liked the OKR workshop. Concise, to the point. Clear comparison between corporate culture and holacratic organisations. Nice emphasize on working smarter not harder. Thanks for the workshop Ewout." - 10-07-2018 06:38

"I really liked the OKR workshop. Concise, to the point. Clear comparison between corporate culture and holacratic organisations. Nice emphas… alles lezen - 10-07-2018 06:38

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With the new quarter, and the new OKRs coming up, I'll give a short workshop about OKRs. It will refresh everyone's memory on what they are, how they work and why we use them. It is on Friday afternoon, so grab a beer and join! If you can't make it I'll share the slides later. It will be available on Zoom too.

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With the new quarter, and the new OKRs coming up, I'll give a short workshop about OKRs. It will refresh everyone's memory on what they are, how they work and why we use them. It is on Friday afternoon, so grab a beer and join! If you can't make it I'll share the slides later. It will be available on Zoom too.

Gemiddeld cijfer voor OKR Workshop
Gebaseerd op 3 ervaringen
Bram Speelman
OKR Workshop

"I really liked the OKR workshop. Concise, to the point. Clear comparison between corporate culture and holacratic organisations. Nice emphasize on working smarter not harder. Thanks for the workshop Ewout." - 10-07-2018 06:38

"I really liked the OKR workshop. Concise, to the point. Clear comparison between corporate culture and holacratic organisations. Nice emphas… alles lezen - 10-07-2018 06:38

Maximilian Wiese
OKR Workshop

"Ewout gave an interesting in the backgrounds of OKR grading and set it in the context of other ways to create and communicate a company's strategy, also showing the how they affect every role-holder. Being opened to questions, it was entertaining and informing alike." - 02-07-2018 07:15

"Ewout gave an interesting in the backgrounds of OKR grading and set it in the context of other ways to create and communicate a company's st… alles lezen - 02-07-2018 07:15

Jorge Sanz
OKR Workshop

"Great workshop! Ewout explained what are OKRs and why they matter. How OKRs are different from targets. How we use OKRs at Springest and what we have learnt during these years. Some common mistakes when using OKRs and how other companies fail at it. Everything was explained in detail and his answers to questions were insightful. It is clear that he masters the topic." - 30-06-2018 09:32

"Great workshop! Ewout explained what are OKRs and why they matter. How OKRs are different from targets. How we use OKRs at Springest and wha… alles lezen - 30-06-2018 09:32

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