Generative Change Management

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Generative Change Management

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Generative Change Management by Penny Shapland-Chew is intended for leaders and mangers in small to medium sized organisations. It is about how to make sure that your organisation is the most successful it can be by listening to and working with the people and the systems upon whom it depends for its existence. It is about building a healthy organisation which can deliver high levels of performance over time. It is about how to manage change in a way which gets the best out of people because they feel valued and motivated and are gaining satisfaction from their work.



  1. Introduction 
  2. Why change? 
  3. The pace of change and implications 
  4. What to change? 
  5. Creating an organisation which…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Verandermanagement, Organisatieontwikkeling, Lean, Lean Six Sigma en Veranderen / Omgaan met Verandering.

Generative Change Management by Penny Shapland-Chew is intended for leaders and mangers in small to medium sized organisations. It is about how to make sure that your organisation is the most successful it can be by listening to and working with the people and the systems upon whom it depends for its existence. It is about building a healthy organisation which can deliver high levels of performance over time. It is about how to manage change in a way which gets the best out of people because they feel valued and motivated and are gaining satisfaction from their work.



  1. Introduction 
  2. Why change? 
  3. The pace of change and implications 
  4. What to change? 
  5. Creating an organisation which is more than the sum of its parts 
  6. When to change: two different curves 
    1. Reinvention 
    2. Stages in an organisation’s growth 
  7. System dynamics 
    1. Continuous change and periodic strategic review 
    2. Continuous change: Agile 
    3. Data which indicate you need to change 
  8. How to change 
    1. How to lead and manage: systems and processes versus soft skills 
    2. John Kotter’s eight step process 
    3. Implementing Change 
    4. Emotional intelligence 
    5. It’s lonely at the top 
    6. About leadership and power 
    7. Involving and motivating everyone in the organisation 
    8. Neuroscience 
    9. Performance management system 
    10. What you can do to manage stress caused by change in the organisation 
  9. More about listening to staff 
    1. What people want – diverse views and aspirations of different generations in the workplace 
    2. Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) 
    3. 'Millennials’ (born between 1981 and 2000) 
      1. What ideas do your staff have about the culture of your organisation? 
  10. Bringing about change through system leadership 
    1. What are system leaders? 
  11. Conclusion 
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