Digital Leadership Programme for women with digital leadership ambitions


Digital Leadership Programme for women with digital leadership ambitions

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The programme is targeted at talented women who possess several years of management or professional experience in an industry that utilises digital technology. In 2021 this programme was nominated by the Computable in the top 3 best educational initiatives. So far 100 women have successfully completed the programme. The modules are taught by prominent lecturers from renowned universities in the Netherlands. The themes of the modules are: 1) A new age of competition; 2) Strategic response to technological change; and 3) Digital transformation in execution.

The eighth edition of the Digital Leadership Programme will start in October 2022.

Module 1: A new age of competition

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The programme is targeted at talented women who possess several years of management or professional experience in an industry that utilises digital technology. In 2021 this programme was nominated by the Computable in the top 3 best educational initiatives. So far 100 women have successfully completed the programme. The modules are taught by prominent lecturers from renowned universities in the Netherlands. The themes of the modules are: 1) A new age of competition; 2) Strategic response to technological change; and 3) Digital transformation in execution.

The eighth edition of the Digital Leadership Programme will start in October 2022.

Module 1: A new age of competition

Discover the latest technological trends, most significant emerging technologies and understand the impact on value creation for clients. Learn how organisations can leverage data and AI, including key challenges businesses face from a security and privacy perspective. At the end of this module you understand and can explain why organisations need to respond to technological change.

Module 2: Strategic response to technological change

Experience how to create an organisation with the right leadership, people and processes in place. At the end of this module you are equiped to manage and respond to change, make strategic innovation choices and trained to build agile organisations.

Module 3: Digital transformation in execution

Learn the modern approach to software development including ‘no code/low code’ and how basic coding works. Create innovation by using a design thinking mindset. And shape digital transformation by looking at Business IT alignment and Enterprise Architecture, and learn how to make decisions and evaluate risk.

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