GWO First Aid


GWO First Aid

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This training is accordingly to the guidelines of the Global Wind Organisation (GWO).

The training First Aid GWO is intended for personnel working in the wind industry, involved in the construction, maintenance or service for onshore and/or offshore wind turbines and wind farms. In case of accidents, knowledge of first aid procedures is essential. This course covers the use of available emergency equipment. In addition this course is about the operation of normal functions of the human body and the symptoms of disease or injury to be treated. The delegates are taught knowledge and skills in providing first aid in and near wind turbines taking into account the limited space and entrance and …

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: GWO, BHV (Bedrijfshulpverlener), Brandveiligheid, Blusmiddelen en BHV basis.

This training is accordingly to the guidelines of the Global Wind Organisation (GWO).

The training First Aid GWO is intended for personnel working in the wind industry, involved in the construction, maintenance or service for onshore and/or offshore wind turbines and wind farms. In case of accidents, knowledge of first aid procedures is essential. This course covers the use of available emergency equipment. In addition this course is about the operation of normal functions of the human body and the symptoms of disease or injury to be treated. The delegates are taught knowledge and skills in providing first aid in and near wind turbines taking into account the limited space and entrance and exits available.

This First Aid (GWO) training contents:

  • Providing first aid safely;
  • Basic knowledge about normal body functions, and symptoms of serious and minor injuries and illnesses (anatomy);
  • Set priorities in dealing with an emergency in a wind turbine;
  • Lifesaving first aid;
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED);
  • Equipment in an emergency scenario;

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  • Bekijk gerelateerde producten mét ervaringen: GWO.

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