Develop data-driven applications by using Azure SQL Database (DP-3020)

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Develop data-driven applications by using Azure SQL Database (DP-3020)

@The Academy
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Startdata en plaatsen

21 mrt. 2025
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event 21 maart 2025, 09:00-16:00, Eindhoven
21 mrt. 2025
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event 21 maart 2025, 09:00-16:00, Utrecht
2 jul. 2025
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event 2 juli 2025, 09:00-16:00, Eindhoven
2 jul. 2025
Toon rooster
event 2 juli 2025, 09:00-16:00, Eindhoven


This learning path prepares you for the task of developing data-driven applications by using Microsoft Azure SQL Database.

You'll learn how to create and configure an Azure SQL Database, build and deploy database projects using GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines, and automate the publishing process. Additionally, you'll explore how to use Data API builder for Azure SQL Database and develop a data API with Azure Web Apps and Static Web App.

Furthermore, you'll gain skills in importing data via an external REST endpoint, exporting data using an Azure Function, and securing an Azure SQL Database. These essential skills will empower you to effectively develop and manage applications using Azure …

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Data Driven, SQL, Microsoft Azure, Big Data en Datavisualisatie.

This learning path prepares you for the task of developing data-driven applications by using Microsoft Azure SQL Database.

You'll learn how to create and configure an Azure SQL Database, build and deploy database projects using GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines, and automate the publishing process. Additionally, you'll explore how to use Data API builder for Azure SQL Database and develop a data API with Azure Web Apps and Static Web App.

Furthermore, you'll gain skills in importing data via an external REST endpoint, exporting data using an Azure Function, and securing an Azure SQL Database. These essential skills will empower you to effectively develop and manage applications using Azure SQL Database.

Note: You need an Azure subscription to complete the exercises.Get started with Azure SQL Database for modern application development
Develop for Azure SQL Database
Develop a data API for Azure SQL Database
Explore data manipulation options in Azure SQL Database
Explore security practices for Azure SQL DatabaseApplied Skills assesment

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