Querying Data with Microsoft Transact-SQL (DP-080) (English)


Querying Data with Microsoft Transact-SQL (DP-080) (English)

Vijfhart IT-Opleidingen
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Vijfhart IT-Opleidingen biedt dit product standaard aan in de volgende regio's: Alphen aan den Rijn, Amersfoort, Gouda, Hilversum, Utrecht, Veenendaal


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  • Oefenomgeving tot 3 maanden na afronding beschikbaar   
  • Flexgarantie: wissel eenvoudig van virtueel naar fysiek, of andersom  
  • Kennisgarantie: volg jouw cursus gratis nog een keer, fysiek of virtueel  
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Lesmethode :

Persoonlijk begeleid

Algemeen :

This course is guaranteed to start and therefore will always take place.

In this course you will learn how to use Transact-SQL to query and modify data in relational Microsoft SQL Server based database systems:

#Microsoft SQL Server
#Azure SQL database
#Azure Synapse Analytics

While specific Transact-SQL statements supported by these different systems may differ, you can use most of the techniques covered in this course for anything. Because Transact-SQL is based on the SQL ANSI standard, you can apply the techniques taught in this course to other popular database systems.
This course focuses on the queries that are most commonly used. Transact…

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Veelgestelde vragen

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Transact SQL, SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PL/SQL en MySQL.

Vijfhart, dat klopt voor jou!

  • Oefenomgeving tot 3 maanden na afronding beschikbaar   
  • Flexgarantie: wissel eenvoudig van virtueel naar fysiek, of andersom  
  • Kennisgarantie: volg jouw cursus gratis nog een keer, fysiek of virtueel  
  • Ontvang een gratis proefexamen bij meerdere opleidingen   

Lesmethode :

Persoonlijk begeleid

Algemeen :

This course is guaranteed to start and therefore will always take place.

In this course you will learn how to use Transact-SQL to query and modify data in relational Microsoft SQL Server based database systems:

#Microsoft SQL Server
#Azure SQL database
#Azure Synapse Analytics

While specific Transact-SQL statements supported by these different systems may differ, you can use most of the techniques covered in this course for anything. Because Transact-SQL is based on the SQL ANSI standard, you can apply the techniques taught in this course to other popular database systems.
This course focuses on the queries that are most commonly used. Transact-SQL is a comprehensive language with many advanced capabilities not covered in this course, with the topics covered in this course you will learn the most common scenarios including:

  • Use SELECT to retrieve columns from a table

  • Sort and filter search results

  • Use joins and subqueries to retrieve data from multiple tables

  • Use built-in functions, aggregations, and groupings

  • Insert, update and delete data

In order to be able to cover all the material properly, to be able to complete the exercises and based on feedback from previous students, we have adjusted the standard duration of the course from two to three days.

Doel :

#Using SQL Server query tools
#Write SELECT statements to retrieve columns from one or more tables
#Sort and filter selected data
#Use built-in functions to return data values
#Group data and aggregate the results
#Change data using INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and MERGE

Doelgroep :

This course can be valuable for anyone who needs to write basic SQL or Transact-SQL queries. For example, anyone who works with data as a data analyst, data engineer, data scientist, database administrator or database developer. The course can also be useful for anyone who is indirectly involved with data and wants to learn more about SQL.

Voorkennis :

There are no specific pre-requisites for this course.

Onderwerpen :

- Introduction to Transact-SQL
- Sort and filter results in T-SQL
- Combine multiple tables with JOINs in T-SQL
- Write Subqueries in T-SQL
- Use built-in functions and GROUP BY in Transact-SQL
- Modify data with T-SQL

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Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

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