This is Service Design Thinking

This is Service Design Thinking

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This is Service Design Thinking (2011) presents the core principles of service design. By providing tools and real-life examples, it’s a great introduction to this evolving and interdisciplinary approach to designing services. These blinks present the most salient information on the subject.

Who should read

Entrepreneurs and innovators Students and professionals of design Marketers and consultants

About the author

Marc Stickdorn, a service-design consultant, is the cofounder of Destinable, a consultancy firm that specializes in designing tourism services. He is also a professor and lecturer at MCI Management Center Innsbruck, in Austria. Jakob Schneider is a German visual designer and the cr…

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This is Service Design Thinking (2011) presents the core principles of service design. By providing tools and real-life examples, it’s a great introduction to this evolving and interdisciplinary approach to designing services. These blinks present the most salient information on the subject.

Who should read

Entrepreneurs and innovators Students and professionals of design Marketers and consultants

About the author

Marc Stickdorn, a service-design consultant, is the cofounder of Destinable, a consultancy firm that specializes in designing tourism services. He is also a professor and lecturer at MCI Management Center Innsbruck, in Austria. Jakob Schneider is a German visual designer and the creative head of the design agency KD1. Together with Marc Stickdorn, Schneider has cofounded two start-ups, ExperienceFellow and Smaply. He also works as a consultant for brands such as Volkswagen, Deutsche Telekom and Siemens.

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